Our Story
Hello! And welcome!
Exploring online is all about making exciting discoveries and connections, so we're so happy you've found us. At this address you will enter a world of style and substance, explore luxury fashion from exclusive designers, travel to exciting destinations and browse stunning product, all from the palm of your hand-slash-lap-slash-desk-slash-beach chair.
Our concept is simple: share our love of and passion for style in all its incarnations, our commitment to quality and longevity, and the joy we feel when we discover new and exciting things that are special, useful and beautiful. All this is done in a discerning way, with an eye on sustainability and the role we all must play to care for our world and each other.
What we wear and how we wear it says a lot about who we are, our mood and who we want to be today. Join in the conversation, have fun, and make bold choices: as Marc Jacobs aptly stated "clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them", and the late, great Bill Cunningham said "fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life". We exist to help you make life colourful, your special moments glamorous, and your everyday life a stylish, comfortable & beautiful one...
So stay tuned and visit often :)